Frequently asked questions

General Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we are asked in this field.

1. Who will be working on my project?

Depending on the size of your project, we have a team of capable engineers with wide skill sets who are ready and able to handle your requests.

2. How do I request for a service?

Once you have decided on what service you need, visit our contact page and fill the contact form. You can also contact us directly via our livechat and we will attend to you swiftly.

3. Are there any hidden fees?

We consult our clients and try to understand all the goals of their projects. Once we have your goals carefully stated and outlined, we provide you with a fixed rundown of your budget and a set time frame. Any changes to the budget can only occur if new goals are added.

4. How soon do you begin to work?

Immediately we agree on the necessary terms of your work, we assign a team to it and work commences immediately. The timeframe required to complete different projects obviously vary by project, but we assure you that we are both time-sensitive as well as quality-aware of the work we do.

5. How will I pay you?

Payments can be made in milestones, or as a single upfront payment; depending on the client. If payments are being made in milestones, we will divide your project into stages, which at the end of stages will a milestone payment will be made.

6. What are your working languages?

For now, English, French and German.

7. Do you have 24/7 Customer Support?

Yes, we do. Given we value your overall experience. We are reachable via our support email and via a direct channel for clients which have completed our onboarding process.

8. What is your onboarding process?

We start off with a session to outline your needs and required ensuring all stakeholders are duly presented or accounted for. There afterward, we review and agree on an approach and timeline before finalizing on cost.

Data Analysis Related Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we are asked in this field.

1. How do I know which data analytics approach is best for my company?

No two firms are the same, we recommend a meeting with stakeholders/collaborators, to get to know what the company goals and aspirations are and how leveraging the data would improve the business.

2. What if I have a specific use case for my company's data analytics process?

That would be a great starting point to start the discussion and determining what data should be made available for the data analytics procedure. Also pros and cons will be presented if alternative approaches are presented.

3. How does our data analytics process begin?

We usually get on a call with the client’s stakeholders to understand their data journey so far. Follow up with data and system assessments to understand the flow of the data. Then, we presents various solutions and implementation on how the system interacts. Once understood and agreed, our technical team will start the data analytics development.

4. What BI Tools are commonly used by clients?

Despite the gross variety outside, most clients are satisfied with our use of Tableau, Looker/Looker Studio, and Power BI.

5. What is a typical duration to setup a data analytics process?

Once the onboarding has been cleared, it typically takes 2-6 weeks to deploy. With the duration varying based on certain complexity. For instance, pipelines being sourced, quality of data and much more.

Wed Development Related Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we are asked in this field.

1. Is my website going to be responsive?

Yes. Responsive web design is the art of crafting and adjusting websites for optimal viewing on all screen sizes and devices. Work is done adhering to SEO’s best practices as well as ensuring that applications are optimized for all types of devices.

2. Who will own my designs?

We consult our clients to understand their ideas, and work to realize these ideas in the best possible way. The designs of your website belong to you unless otherwise stated during the discussions.

3. What if I’m not happy with the design??

The probability of this happening is quite low as the developers would be communicating with you at every stage of development right from the initial first design. We will listen to your ideas and adjust your design at every stage until you are completely happy.

4. Do you offer on-going maintenance once the site has been launched??

We back up each application we create on a regular basis so our current and previous clients will never lose anything if something were to go wrong. We also offer general support and advice whenever you need it. Also, we charge a fee for this maintenance.

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